When you need to send money to your relatives, to your loved ones, or a friend, you want to avoid high fees from doing so. You also want to have a high conversion rate for your money that even if you are to pay a minimal fee for sending money, you get a high exchange rate on the other.
Best Send Money Service to Greece from United Kingdom

First Transfer Free!
- Wise is a very good provider for overseas transfers. The transfers are easy, convenient and secure. The most important thing is that the transfers are also much cheaper than with the bank.

Send money very fast!
- Save up to 90% compared to banks. No hidden costs. Large selection of countries.

First Transfer Free!
- Azimo is a very competent partner for the international transfer. Azimo has a large selection of countries and the transfers are safe and cheap.
Duration: Send Money from the United Kingdom to Greece
Most of the money sending companies vary in the duration before the recipient can get the money. Some can get the money in a few days, others can get it within 3-banking days. Others can get the money in real-time.
This is the best way to send your money if the recipient will get it in a few minutes, especially when the recipient needs the money badly. Pick one money transfer company who can legitly say they can do the money transfer in minutes.
Transfer fees can be as low as $3 for $2K and will take 1 to 3 business days. Other transfers cost $10 for the same amount and will also take the same time to get processed.
Another transfer company offers it at $14.77 to have the money transfer processed a maximum of two days for the same amount.
The fee varies, like in this case, you can have an option to send the amount for a lesser fee. That is the reason it is important to do your research before you send your money using any of the money transfer company.
- You can now send money with just a few clicks. If you have a bank account, you can do a bank transfer to any country that accepts money transfers.
- You may also use the online app to send money.
- Another way is by going to a money remittance center and have your money transfer processed.
Transfer money from the United States to Greece with the bank
Some banks that you can send money to include the National Bank of Greece, Alpha, Piraeus, Emporiki, ATE Bank, Eurobank, just to name a few.
Different banks will offer different currency exchange rates. If you are sending just a small amount and this may be just a one-time thing, you may get any bank you like. If you are to do this frequently, then you need to find a bank that can give you the best rate for your money.
Some banks may charge you more, so make sure that you are aware of this.
When you send money via bank, you need the relevant banking information of the person you are to send money to, bank code, IBAN, and the SWIFT/BIC code if any.
There may also be tax regulations and they will differ depending on how the money is to be used, how much you are sending, fund source, and if any taxes have already been imposed abroad.
Transfer money to Greece with a money transfer provider
When you need to send money, you need to choose whether you will use a bank or you are to use a money transfer company.
There is a traditional money transfer company that has been in the business for many decades now, and they have been servicing many people. They have made a name for being trustworthy and affordable at the same time, so they are an excellent choice if you want to send your money using a money transfer provider.
There are newer companies who can also transfer money to other countries, they also provide a status update for you and the receiver of the money, their rates are also cheap plus they offer a great exchange rate for their clients.
Going to any remittance office is also another option if available in your country. If it is available in Greece, then this is another choice for you.
When you want to send money to Greece, you need to find the most economical way so you can save money, saving money on fees means more money for the recipient.
This is important, especially if you are to do it frequently, so you have to do your homework and find out how you can send and save at the same time.